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Problem: Nav

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Time limit: 4 seconds
Memory limit: 1 GiB

In the latest video game you are playing, you find yourself in a mysterious world. The world can be represented as a connected graph over n vertices, numbered from 0 to n - 1. There are m bidirectional edges in the graph, numbered from 0 to m - 1, each connecting a different pair of vertices. All edges have the same length. You have been told the exact layout of this graph.

To test your vast knowledge, you will have to solve t tests.

In each test, one vertex has been secretly chosen as the prime vertex, and your task is to identify which vertex it is. To help you do so, you have been given a device called the Nav. The Nav is designed to help you navigate to the prime vertex. It does so by allowing you to query it, in the following manner.

  1. You input a vertex of your choosing, call it u. If u is the prime vertex, the Nav will return 1.

  2. Otherwise, the Nav computes a shortest path from u to the prime vertex. Note that if there is more than one such path, the Nav can choose any of these.

  3. The Nav returns an integer between 0 and m - 1, corresponding to a single edge that is a part of the computed shortest path.

Your task is to identify the prime vertex, using as few Nav queries as possible.

The fewer queries you use, the more points you will score for this problem. See the Subtasks and Constraints section below for further details.

Subtasks and Constraints

For all subtasks, you are guaranteed that:

For each subtask, there is a maximum number q of queries you can make to the Nav per test. Your score for a testcase is computed as follows:

Subtask Points Maximum t Maximum n q Additional constraints
1 7 750 n ≤ 300 300
2 15 250,000 n ≤ 100,000 17 m = n - 1, and for each 0 ≤ j ≤ m - 1,
edge j connects vertex j and vertex j + 1.
That is, the graph is a line.
3 26 750 n ≤ 1000 10 m = n - 1. That is, the graph is a tree.
4 52 750 n ≤ 300 30

Recall that your score for this problem is the sum of your scores for each subtask. Your score for a subtask is the maximum score obtained among any of your submissions. As such, you may wish to solve different subtasks in different submissions.

Input / Output

This task has no input or output files. Instead, your solution must interact with the functions in the header file "nav.h". The provided functions are described in detail in the next section. Do not output anything to stdout, or you will receive 0% points for the test case.


You must not implement a main function. Instead, you should #include "nav.h" and implement the two functions init and findPrime, described below:

void init(int subtask, int n, int m, std::vector<int> A, std::vector<int> B);


int findPrime();

This function should return an integer between 0 and n - 1: the number corresponding to the prime vertex.

The grader will call this function t times, once for each test. Your program is not told t.

In your implementation, you may call the following function.

int nav(int u)


If nav is called with an invalid value of u, the program will terminate, and you will score 0% for that testcase. This will be reported as incorrect.

You may assume that over the course of a single test, the grader that is used does not change the identity of the prime vertex.

A template nav.cpp has been provided for your convenience.


In order to experiment with your code on your own machine, first download the provided files nav.h and grader.cpp, which should be placed in the same directory as your code. Please note that the grader that is used may have different behaviour to the provided grader.

Compile your solution with:

g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -Wall -static nav.cpp grader.cpp -o nav

This will create an executable nav, which you can run with ./nav. If you have trouble compiling, please send a message in the Communication section of the contest website.

The compiled sample grader will read in the subtask number, n and m on the first line.

It will then read m more lines. From the i-th of these lines, the sample grader wil read two integers A[i] and B[i].

On the next line, it will read in the integer t, the number of tests, followed by t lines. From the j-th of these lines, it will read in the secret prime vertex for the j-th test.

For each test, the sample grader will call findPrime() and print out whether your program successfully found the prime vertex, along with the number of queries it made.

Sample Grader Input and Sample Session

4 6 7
2 5
2 3
2 1
1 3
0 1
3 4
4 0

The grader begins by reading in the graph, and then interacts with your program.

One possible interaction is shown below:

Grader Student Description
init(4, 6, 7, [2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4], [5, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 0]) The grader initialises your program. This sample case is for Subtask 4.
findPrime() The grader starts the first test. The prime vertex is vertex 3
nav(0) Your program calls nav on vertex 0.
nav returns 6 The grader picks the shortest path 0 → 4 → 3, and chooses to return edge 6 (the edge between 0 and 4).
nav(2) Your program calls nav on vertex 2.
nav returns 1 The grader picks the shortest path 2 → 3, and chooses to return edge 1 (the edge between 2 and 3).
nav(3) Your program calls nav on vertex 3.
nav returns -1 This is the prime vertex.
You return 3 Your program guesses the prime vertex is vertex 3. This is correct.
findPrime() The grader starts the second test. The prime vertex is vertex 5
nav(4) Your program calls nav on vertex 4.
nav returns 1 The grader picks the shortest path 4 → 3 → 2 → 5, and chooses to return edge 1 (the edge between 2 and 3).
You return 1 Your program guesses the prime vertex is vertex 1. This is not correct.
findPrime() The grader starts the third test. The prime vertex is vertex 3 again.
You return 3 Your program guesses the prime vertex is vertex 3, without making any calls to nav! This is correct.

In this example, you have solved two of the three cases correctly, so you would score 0% points.


Module Download

The table below lists binary modules for this problem that are available for download. Please choose the version that best matches your platform, language and compiler. Be sure to download the files in binary mode (e.g., by right-clicking on the links and selecting Save As).

If you do not find a suitable module in this table, please contact and we will see whether your environment can be added to the list.

GNU/LinuxC/C++ (gcc)grader.cpp, nav.cpp, nav.h


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