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Hall of Fame: Sculpture II

183 people have completed this problem.
ja_kingy, jaz, 1021839, ethanloke, benedict, jimjam, thomas91450, partiallyfinite, iluminati, jl58261, ralismark, cavid, usernamevengat, joeltiojinhon, samtoday, holmes, mzhao, cameronmbell, andre, computer, donkey, aburitica2005, jerry, ashley_porter, elbatanony, rmaloney, 1015634, manolismih, laeequejamdar, brendy, evanl, and0013, super_aiderton, kevintran, gongy, georgetian, koolkid, tempusedaxrerum, timothyhorsc, andrewkerr, hor1zon, komi, kengeneq, error_gorn, programmer123, jamesbang, h32, harry, boseranit, etang, etang1, imskiingtoday, h1610020, chicken337, b28lh, hhyau, pwalker117, gomango9990, droptable, dandaman, hhyfirst, qwertypower, oonhan2007, beepbeepsheep, kookie, phantomsasuke, blendersleuth, siewjh, rscodes, 1011776, giniya5, maxthecoder, kjain1810, spdskatr, pony_joe1, thyroid, squiddy, juamez, i_am_sb, ryno, random, leepiccowoflife, bobs_his_face, iiliffe, xavc, pmoore, eeidt, kevinzhou, pippen33, oooozy, jbroeksteeg, xtia004, turtlecoder, deanang, harrysun2006, ghostsanja, blackcat1111, thanh, sshukla, edwinkoon, bm5, netanya, timmy11, cormac, ingugugus, swetanjal, mckinleykeys, imaxblue, zacknoyes, rpht, hsienxin, yasi, oolimry, aio123, anonymous, neorayer, ruhanhabib39, potato333, jojo197, janhonnens, domslee, j_p_smith, eddieee, tomhe88888, zirui, bingoman2000, maomao90, zylonau, pentathlete, h1810066, jemma, azazo_, ryangohca, nqminh7405, dinit, tmpaccount9383, stubbygnome, rotti321, tamionv1, fallingstar, computerkiwi, println_hi_, nimmumanoj, beeshi, arthursun, zaneyu, rkh2002, mightyconfused, jennivine, gsinclair, argonescence


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