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Hall of Fame: King Arthur II

190 people have completed this problem.
ja_kingy, jl58261, cormac, thomas91450, selenium, aio123, yujinwunz, 1015634, tanay1998, brendy, 1021839, jaz, cavid, etang, etang1, elbatanony, hhyau, xxetangxx, holmes, goldy, mr_enow, xiiaomiao, gongy, jimjam, mzhao, kengeneq, docta_squid, spiritsunite, andrewkerr, i_am_sb, amoebius, super_aiderton, komi, iiliffe, hor1zon, ilt_cp_g, failturtle, yxqng, pony_joe1, lyc, evanl, donkey, nlim, lolnic, 431683938, freepascal145, bm5, leepiccowoflife, turtlecoder, jojo197, acmonster, danielgao, dinit, zianshang, manolismih, j_p_smith, panome, mckinleykeys, aaronshenhao, epicskillz, samtoday, hihellohi111, spdskatr, harry, and0013, olsamsons, adaml, _quantty_, leeyimin, potato333, failgorithm, beeshi, dodo, hower, jeff_lee, nblum, ralismark, adriang, junkbot, del_in_july_14, maxthecoder, peanutmania, wllmsmt1, domslee, andre, laeequejamdar, gomango9990, eddieee, limyunkai19, rcjrrjcr1, jennivine, susanhe, netanya, hhyfirst, akash, obag, epochfail, computer, computerkiwi, mr_perfect, jerry, dandaman, tomhe88888, bobs_his_face, iluminati, davinformatics, imaxblue, mitch_liu, neorayer, ryno, xenoframium, grundo, dahlukeh, programmer123, oooozy, println_hi_, arthursun, thyroid, h1810066, pwalker117, kevintran, guan, anonymous, zobewan, rayli, kevinzhou, partiallyfinite, karimizayan64, giniya5, dpepsilon, pmoore, 1015728b, abyssmall, winestone, 1025398, viggo, yasi, wolfe, iamsosmart19, hirandom, blendersleuth, jbroeksteeg, escortkeel, jamesbang, leaen, tonynater, izrak, ykfoong, nathanal, matts, man4160, samzhang, shingekinolinus, jemma, bingoman2000, commanderkrod, dxsmiley, ekushok1999, surya115, mzainal, iamthepiguy, zirui, timothyhorsc, devdevhehe, ar85ar, pfdee, owenl131, cbutner2, hollwo_pelw, orca


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