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Hall of Fame: Psychological Jujitsu

182 people have completed this problem.
ja_kingy, partiallyfinite, 1021839, boboquack, anonymous, amoebius, exden, danielgao, abyssmall, cavid, hhyau, jojo197, laeequejamdar, j_p_smith, h1110106, ashley_porter, pfdee, iluminati, jaz, etang1, etangy1, isy_idiot, qwertypower, stewbasic, hhyfirst, holmes, kostas_psarom, jerryboi, leepiccowoflife, zianshang, justin_g_20, epochfail, brendy, bobbydey, tiko, maxthecoder, mzhao, evanl, kennyboy93, ganweiliang, owenl131, computer, jimjam, hypernewbie, gomango9990, dpepsilon, rayli, tikitikirevenge, logan, i_am_sb, zirui, francis, grundo, shingekinolinus, hirandom, xtrkil, withheld, andrewkerr, surya115, jitterbug, kevintran, janhonnens, sshukla, super_aiderton, nathanal, minhtue90, leeyimin, janpolaris3, dingus7202, jamesbang, 1015634, and0013, sql_lall, mr_perfect, haikalzain, kitten, salaschen, junkbot, tanay1998, yanhao, wllmsmt1, mzainal, bingoman2000, skywalker1994, jbroeksteeg, artume, pifan314159, izrak, susanhe, yujinwunz, among_us, sunjay1123, adaml, quocanho, hower, steve, lcp, spiritsunite, hoanhtien1, pony_joe1, neorayer, signt, spdskatr, netanya, dinit, lekh2003, danishzone, miles_edgeworth, winestone, zabachi123, tjh, jemma, ralismark, guan, jeff_lee, sundude, yasi, harrysun2006, adriang, fake, iiliffe, fkint, beeshi, alexbarber, cmad, ekushok1999, ryno, fcdql, println_hi_, thekingv2004, nseal, triplem, oneoc, mcpower, funyman, programmer123, joshmo, devdevhehe, xrchz, gongy, lolnic, canlong, harry, escortkeel, failgorithm, jerry, 431683938, viclei, evilncrazy, thyroid, xenoframium, tonynater, failturtle, dahlukeh, goldy, arthursun, gmorris, samzhang, magic2k3, felixuuu, dxsmiley, freepascal145, blueandgold11


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