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Hall of Fame: Tennis Robot

67 people have completed this problem.
boboquack, ja_kingy, 1015634, cavid, 1021839, kengeneq, jamesbang, lukamosiashvili, nacholibre, pony_joe1, ketatsimakuridz, ayana, akobi, fake, yuuron, evanl, siewjh, vato_chachanidz, wildturtle7, ryno, iiliffe, ilt_cp_g, karl05, charlesdai, lukameladze, sabamak, netanya, leepiccowoflife, aidenwen, stupidguy133, pmoore, mzhao, beepbeepsheep, thyroid, chkhaidzenintsi, hhyau, giorgikobakhia1, chickenwing, achibasadzishvi, susanhe, tiko, ian2024, guchi, mitch_liu, h1810066, kevintran, arthursun, gomango9990, maxthecoder, goldendalek, harry, kobe, nathan_zhou, turtlecoder, a_user, lion, johnz, eddieee, nwon63, original_name


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