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Hall of Fame: Stargazing

154 people have completed this problem.
ja_kingy, mzhao, zirui, haliloglu, jojo197, jaz, super_aiderton, iiliffe, partiallyfinite, rayli, evanl, jimjam, gongy, t0nyukuk, pasin30055, v_haralampiev, ntrung03, i_am_sb, yujinwunz, vladut, kevintran, bean, mr_perfect, lion, cavid, lwz, cmad, a17, triplem, daniel, christopherboo, pooya_vahidi, tiendung050803, hussein, aburitica2005, grundo, entityit, spiritsunite, msimon, holmes, crimbo1994, tekpike, huynhspm, rkh2002, aio123, nhimnam120, lamdz, computer, manhkhung, netanya, jerry, devdevhehe, tas, feedward, charlotte_izoar, epochfail, fake, evilncrazy, iluminati, harry, mergesort, hoanhtien1, arbiter, xjammo, pony_joe1, mrdrake, stewbasic, kennyboy93, flying_dragon_0, ryno, ralismark, ducpro, auguste, xerocre1, aome, oneoc, maxthecoder, izrak, thyroid, hamza, opg, jbroeksteeg, kitten, adriang, xavc, gmorris, println_hi_, failgorithm, sql_lall, tomhe88888, sbasrik, farmak2001, trinhhung484, dinit, akhenathon, incredi_blame, calvinleenyc, alexm, susu, cave_troll, steve, shoit, failturtle, bingoman2000, viclei, shingekinolinus, drew_the_person, jamesbang, lucas84, turtlecoder, dxsmiley, beeshi, wolfe, junkbot, tikitikirevenge, john_wick, akash, futymyclone, dahlukeh, dberger, lemonade, mjastrzab, anonymous, xrchz, abyssmall, harrysun2006, xenoframium, goldy, spdskatr, doc_oc7, yasi, gomango9990, jemma, intlsy, arthursun, leepiccowoflife, blueandgold11, tom93


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