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Hall of Fame: Detective

47 people have completed this problem.
1021839, pony_joe1, cormac, netanya, mzhao, jamesbang, mckinleykeys, hhyau, mr_perfect, harry, charlesdai, aio123, jojo197, i_am_sb, zirui, evan_yu123, lion, maomao90, jerry, ja_kingy, mickfoley00, jaz, jl58261, spdskatr, kapanion, timothyhorsc, 300iq, ryno, karl05, mariannacao, m012444m213, boseranit, turtlecoder, gomango9990, thyroid, arthursun, anonymous, pmoore, iiliffe, programmer123, hollwo_pelw, ralismark, leepiccowoflife


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